Journal Articles : [121] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 121
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Dependence structure between Indian financial market and energy commodities: a cross-quantilogram based evidenceSinha, Avik
2021Decomposing scale and technique effects of financial development and foreign direct investment on renewable energy consumptionSinha, Avik
2021Clean energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental sustainability: What is the role of economic policy uncertainty?Sinha, Avik
2021Analyzing global inequality in access to energy: Developing policy framework by inequality decompositionSinha, Avik
2021Asymmetric effects of eco-innovation and human capital development in realizing environmental sustainability in China: evidence from quantile ARDL frameworkSinha, Avik
2021Dissatisfaction Factors That Influence Customers To Give Low Online Rating To HospitalsRaza, Arif
2022The influence of remote work communication satisfaction and CSR association on employee alienation and job satisfaction: a moderated-mediation studyDugar, Anurag
2022Deliberately Causing Brand Confusion: State of the (Unfair) ArtDugar, Anurag
2022Decoding Customer Opinion for Products or Brands Using Social Media Analytics: A Case Study on Indian Brand PatanjaliDugar, Anurag
2021Secure user authentication mechanism for IoT-enabled Wireless Sensor Networks based on multiple Bloom filtersMaurya, Anup Kumar
2022Socio-demographic, shopping self-concept, and shopping-context related moderators of customer experienceMishra, Anubhav A.
2021Moving beyond bureaucratic grey zones. Managing sexual harassment in Indian higher educationSinha, Anamika
2021Choice of electives among management students in India: A conjoint analysisSinha, Anamika
2021Analyzing global inequality in access to energy: Developing policy framework by inequality decompositionSinha, Avik
2021Opportunism and trust in cross- national lateral collaboration: the Renault-Nissan Alliance and a theory of equity-trustBird, Allan
2022Lending ears to unheard voices: An empirical analysis of user-generated content on social mediaGour, Alekh; Aggarwal, Shikha
2021A 360-Degree View of a Hospital by Analysing Patient’s Online Reviews Using Fuzzy Sentiment AnalysisGour, Alekh
2022Improving care for hypertension and diabetes in india by addition of clinical decision support system and task shifting in the national NCD program: I-TREC model of careVamadevan, S. Ajay
2022Cohort Profile: The Center for cArdiometabolic Risk Reduction in South Asia (CARRS)Vamadevan, Ajay S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 121